Create Your Own Online Teaching Resources!

Create your own teaching resource

In recent blog posts I have discussed the relative merits of blended (flipped) learning and spaced learning.  Both of these approaches can impact significantly upon your teaching, and upon the success of your students.  Just this morning I have checked on a spaced learning resource that I put up on YouTube for my students in preparation for a test, and it was really heartening to see how many hits there have been – my time has obviously not been wasted!

Feedback received from the blog posts has been really positive, but one of the questions I keep getting asked is “how do I develop the video resources for my students?”.
Such a good question, and I’ve decided to do something about it!  Over the past couple of years I must have produced several hundred online videos, and my hit counter of YouTube is now fast approaching 100,000 hits.  My daughters can’t believe that their dear old dad is such a success on ‘the Tube’!

Given the right tools, a clear plan, and some dedicated time, producing video resources is relatively straightforward.  To really help you get started I have produced a series of video tutorials to show what to do every step along the way.  All you have to do is to click on the link – ‘Create Your Own Online Teaching Resources’ – either at the top or bottom of this blog and you’re away!

The first video is a general introduction but well worth a watch as it explains why we should be developing video resources, and the different types of videos that you could produce.

I always welcome feedback, so if you’ve got any questions or comments about developing your own online teaching resources then please contact me at:

Until next time,


Create your own teaching resource